
St Leonard's College | Independent School Melbourne

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Securing Future Prosperity

¡° For over 100 years, St Leonard¡¯s College students have benefited from the kindness of those who have gone before them and the generosity of community members giving their time, talents and finances.”
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About the Foundation

¡° Our vision is to assist the College to have the best resources, the best staff and the best facilities, and to provide the best opportunities for all students.”
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Annual Giving

¡° Each year since 2014, our community of Old Collegians, families and friends have found it in their hearts to make a financial contribution to the Foundation.”
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Annual Golf Challenge

¡° This highlight event on our College calendar raises important funds for our Global Citizen Scholarship program.”
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¡° Leaving a bequest to St Leonard’s College ensures a lasting legacy of support for future generations, fostering excellence in education and enriching the College community for years to come.”
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The Amiel Society

¡° The Amiel Society symbol was designed to visually reflect the values of empathy, kindness, compassion, respect, understanding, empowerment, embracing and sharing.”